Our Special Interest Groups generally meet at regular intervals during each month. Below is a list of the scheduled dates, times and locations of individual groups.

If in any doubt, please contact the Group Leader.

GroupMeeting DateMeeting DayLocationTimeGroup ContactContact Number
ArtTwice Monthly1st and 3rd TuesdayWeston Room, Filleigh Village Hall10.00amTed Trill01769 574482
BackgammonWeeklyThursdayTown Arms, South Molton11.00amJules Smith07784 896611
Cook 'n' EatMonthly1st WednesdayBishops Nympton Parish Hall10.30amKath Hasler01769 550296
Creative WritingOnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineGill Saunders07851 556077
CroquetWeekly (Weather Permitting)Friday - during SummerBishops Nympton Parish Hall2.00pmKath Hasler01769 550296
French ConversationTwice Monthly1st and 3rd MondayThe Coaching Inn, South Molton11.00amHelen Harvey01769 407233
Flower FriendsCheck with Group LeaderThursdayFilleigh Village HallGloria Beeching07707 008604
Garden VisitsVariesSee web siteCarolyn Manning01769572025
Local HistoryMonthly (Summer Months)VariesVariesVariesDerrica Hodgson01769 573228
Local HistoryMonthly (Winter Months)2nd WednesdayMethodist Hall, South Molton10.00amDerrica Hodgson01769 573228
Mah-JongWeeklyThursdayTown Arms, South Molton2.00pm
PoetryMonthly3rd ThursdayMoorland Rise, South Molton2.00pmLorie Jones01769 574637
QuizzingMonthly4th TuesdayMethodist Church Hall, South Molton.2.30pmVal Bearman
RamblingMonthly1st TuesdayMeet at South Molton Car Park9.45amMargaret White01769 573558
ScienceMonthly3rd TuesdayMethodist Church Hall, South Molton.2.30pmJon Dunkley
ScrabbleWeeklyMondayQuince Honey Farm, South Molton9.30amGill Saunders07851 556077
ShakespeareMonthly2nd MondayThe Coaching Inn, South Molton1.00pmLorie Jones01769 574637
Skittles - Group 1WeeklyFridayThe Town Arms, South Molton2.00pm - 3.00pmSue Cornish01769 572980
Skittles - Group 2WeeklyFridayThe Town Arms, South Molton3.00pm - 4.00pmBarry Jones01769 574637
Social BridgeWeeklyWednesdayEast Street, South Molton10.00amTed Trill01769 574482
Sunday LunchWeeklySundayThe Coaching Inn, South Molton12.30pmHelen Harvey01769 579574
Table TennisWeeklyThursdayYMCA, Mill Street, South Molton3.30pmGill Saunders07851 556077
Theatre TripsVariesSee web siteChristine Carter01769 574345